Qt Creator 13 freezes when getting focus
I have a weird issue since a couple of days. Qt Creator is freezing for about 20-30 secs when I switch the focus from another application back to the Qt Creator window. I updated Qt Creator and all other components to the newest release with the Qt Maintenance Tool, no change. After a PC restart Qt Creator works fine for a couple of minutes, after that it freezes every time I switch application focus back to Qt Creator and persists. I can't remember any major changes I made on my computer, I installed Visual Studio a couple of days ago what might have a relation...
I'm working on Windows 10 64bit.
Does anyone have had a similar problem? any suggestions on what is the cause and/or solution? -
Hi @Tarabas,
to me that sounds like my QTCREATORBUG-30681, which will be fixed in Creator 14.
Do you have projects or files on network drives, which are currently unavailable?
I've been having the same issue for 3-4 years now, on Windows 11 Pro, with all versions of QtCreator up to 15.0.0 (latest). After refocusing, QtCreator lags for 20-30 seconds. From some analysis I did a few years ago, I think it was lagging while checking hundreds of thousands of files on the disk. I don't remember whether it was related to having QML in the project or not.
This issue has never been fixed and makes QtCreator mostly unusable on this machine (and very frustrating).
Note that the same project on a different machine, with the same versions of QtCreator, works just fine. -
@habersaa please do open a bug report at https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/CreateIssue.jspa?pid=10512
It would be great if you could gather as much information as possible.
Please do install the debugging files for Qt Creator - the pdb files for all the exes and dlls (there is a checkbox at install time).
Then using https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer you could look at the call stack of things that Qt Creator is doing.
20-30s are enough to get such a call stack.
We used to have some issues due to a QSingleInstance implementation, but that should be fixed starting with Qt Creator 12 https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt-creator/qt-creator/+/499187
Currently I know of one issue with the Antivirus causing freezing when loading the first time a big project, something like Qt Creator.
https://bugreports.qt.io/issues/?jql=project %3D QTCREATORBUG AND text ~ "focus freeze" pointed to https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-28957 but this was fixed in Qt Creator 10.