QODBC does not work in 6.7.
Windows 10, Qt 6.7.0, MinGW.
Added Qt 6.7.0 to my installation, 6.6.2 previous version.
Just rebuilt code and tried to run.
NO change in machine, Windows, code that isIn 6.6.2 (and many versions before) code runs, works as it should
In 6.7.0, database.open() does not work, fails to open database.
"[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified, IM002|QODBC: Unable to connect|"I have seen the same error reported (for 6.7.0) in Stackoverflow (for MSSQL) but it was closed by a moderator that did not understand...
database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC", sConnection); database.setDatabaseName("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=" + sDsn); if (database.open()) FAILS HERE
@MartinGU Sorry, you have to wait for the 6.7.1 release. I added a bug and it was noticed to late. If you compile Qt by yourself then you can apply the one-liner patch.
Did you install AccessDatabaseEngine Software in your system ?if not installed then Follow the link for download
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54920 -
@MartinGU Sorry, you have to wait for the 6.7.1 release. I added a bug and it was noticed to late. If you compile Qt by yourself then you can apply the one-liner patch.
OP didn't link, but I found the post over at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78271964/qt-6-7-odbc-mssql-connection-string-doesnt-work. Referred that OP to your post here, hope that's OK. -
@JonB And here the bug report: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-123478