QtCreator Debugger always breaks on Qt's source, no matter you set breakpoint on it or not!
On Windows 10, if you debug your app, the QtCreator always break into some qt's source file, if there is a break in some loop, it's no possible to step into you own source code, the follow screen shot is what the problem is:
So, how can I debug my own code only?
There's a log for debugger activities, View->Views->Debugger Log. You could open a bug report at bugreports.qt.io and add the contents of this log there.
I've seen this with Qt Creator's code itself. It gets stuck into loading a plugin and has no way to get further.
My solution was to just start the application normally and then attach to the process.
This worked fine for me, since I didn't need a breakpoint at startup.
In the application output there is the Debug button, so you don't have to hunt down the process in the process list: