Problems printing OWA attachments inside my web browser app
I'm trying to print an email attachment (specifically on or OWA) via my web browser app. However, I cannot make it work.
There are two different ways for printing (if I have understood things correctly): via QWebEngineView class's printRequested and via QWebEnginePage class's printRequested ( and With both of these ways, I'm only able to get an A4-sized (or whatever frame/paper size I define) "screenshot" of my web browser during the message preview, not the attachment itself.
Here is an example "print" I'm able to get:
Instead of printing the whole webpage, would it be possible to print only the (i)frame containing the attachment? This is possible in other browsers (Chrome, Brave, Edge etc.)
I found some prior conversations regarding this same issue. Is it so that I can only print the whole webpage, not parts of it? Here is an issue from rstudio's GitHub (I assume they had the same problem I'm facing right now):