how to add anther primary sub-menu - in C++ code ?
OK, this is so simple , but confusing...
I can add another menu to main mdiArea menu bar...
I can add executable "actions" to it...I can add " primary sub-menu" and their executable...
HOW do I add another "primary sub-menu" ?
All in code -
I have given up on adding menus in QTDesigner GUI - too inconsistent...This is what I am after
mdiArea "bar ' main menu
primary submenu secodary executable
secodary executable
secodary executableanother primary submenu secodary executable
secodary executable
secodary executableQMenu *BT_Menu_SubMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Bluetooth bluetoothctl (command)... "))
->addMenu("&bluetoothctl submenu ... ");this adds to main menu bar - not what is needed
QMenu *BT_Menu_SubMenu_1 = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Bluetooth bluetoothctl (command)... "))
->addMenu("&bluetoothctl submenu ... ");int sub_Index = 10; QAction *aboutAct_submenu_index_0 = BT_Menu_SubMenu->addAction(tr("& bluetoothctl help "), this, [this, sub_Index ]()->void{menu_slot_indexed(sub_Index);}); sub_Index = 11; QAction *aboutAct_submenu_index_1 = BT_Menu_SubMenu->addAction(tr("&bluetoothctl list adapters..."), this, [this, sub_Index ]()->void{menu_slot_indexed(sub_Index);});