QtCreator 11 and 12 rc1 tooo slow debugging
We tired of the try debug any of our projects. Sometimes Debuggind frezing not starting... or starting after 10-15 min and sloooow.
Cant solve the issue and find similar complains ..
Is there any real solution ? or which version we need to go back to our happy and easy life?
C Christian Ehrlicher moved this topic from General and Desktop on
sandmeteor 15 Jan 2022, 23:51
I had this same issue over a two year on both, Windows and Linux systems.
After lots of digging my solution is:Linux :
1 Locate default.qws file and delete it (or make backup)/home/user/.config/QtProject/qtcreator/default.qws
2 Select option:Tools > Options > Debugger > GDB > Use automatic symbol cache.
this is solved my problem.
NOT SOLVED Again debugger crashing...
Using QtCreator on Windows for Debugging is slow. Someone found some Python script with info for std::vector debugging to be the culprit. Not sure if it is fixed by now. For larger projects I just use
to create a VS project and directly debug in VS. This works best on Windows. (CMake projects can directly be opened in VS.)