What Are the Best Practices for Implementing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in 2023?
In 2023, what are the current best practices for developing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) to provide an optimal user experience? What tools, techniques, and strategies should web developers consider when creating PWAs, and how can they leverage new features and APIs for improved performance and user engagement?
Sounds like an essay title.
Since Qt really does not do wep apps (excluding webassembly) this should be addressed to some web-oriented forum. -
@Sachin-Bhatt said in What Are the Best Practices for Implementing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in 2023?:
In 2023, what are the current best practices for developing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) to provide an optimal user experience?
You are asking this question in a Qt forum. Qt is certainly not the choice for PWAs.
For an optimal user experience I always suggest Wt (https://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt). It heavily borrows from Qt and you write your web app (almost) entirely in C++. The PWA part is done totally hidden in the background. I consider the "optimal user experience" to be 1) a fast loading webpage with 2) fast response during interactions. Wt does deliver this.
However, Wt does not fulfill another part of your question:
@Sachin-Bhatt said in What Are the Best Practices for Implementing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in 2023?:
how can they leverage new features and APIs for improved performance and user engagement?
Wt does not have the newest features. Concerning performance it doesn't have to.
But I honestly question your premise: I don't see a direct correlation between new features and improved performance. If you just add features on top I would expect things to get slower. The fastest webpage you can write is a static one. Still, a lot of "static" pages use 20 different tools to achieve the same task with inferior performance. As a user of web pages and web apps I don't see the point in using all the newest features just for the sake of it. You might use some new features for better user engagement, though.