Another dock widget problem
I'm receiving complaints from users that when they make the main window (QMainWindow) of my application smaller then the dock widgets reduce in size until they reach their minimum size, but when they increase the main window size again that the dock widgets don't increase in size from the size they were reduced to (e.g. minimum size).
@Axel-Spoerl Am I right in thinking that this is should be classed as "Working as designed"?
That's a know limitation.
What happens is, that the main window's size gets smaller than the minimum required for the dock areas. In that case, the dock widgets would shrink to a point, where their window handles become inaccessible. That's why they are programmatically set to a minimum size, instead of further shrinking. The programmatic setting of their size causes them to remember the minimum size.I'd nevertheless call it an almost certainly useless corner case. Why would you shrink the main window to such an extent?
=> The behavior is expected, albeit not ideal.
@Axel-Spoerl Thank you!
The complaint isn't that they shrink until they get to minimum size, but they don't get bigger again when the window size is increased.
Personally I think that is just fine as I don't think you could easily write code to increase them in a way that would please everyone...
Agree! Pleasing everybody can make things messy at times ;-)