Qt Quick Start Project doesn't create valid main.qml file
Fresh Install of QT Using Qt Creator 11.0.3 Based on Qt6.4.3 (MSVC 2019, x86_64)
Example projects launch and build fine.
But if I try to create a new project using QtQuick after the source files are generated the main.qml does not have the expected contentI have:
/* This file is generated and only relevant for integrating the project into a Qt 6 and cmake based
C++ project. */import QtQuick
import contentApp {
}Next to the import content is a warning * QML module not found (content).Import paths:C:/Qt/6.6.-/mingw_64/qmlfor qmake project...
I was expecting the import content line to be import windows and the App to contain the definition for a basic empty window.
What did I miss in the installation process?
I was following the tutorial on re-creating a Tesla GUI and the process seems to work fine until I go to look at the main.qml where there is this issue.: