Problem to deploy application using QWebEngine to Windows 10
Installation and Deployment
I am learning how to deploy an application on Windows.Here is what I have done so far:
- I have compiled my application in release mode usingQtCreator. An .exe file was created
- I've created a new directory and moved the .exe file into it
- I run windeployqt.exe with the path to my .exe file as argument
- I try to run my application by double-clicking on the .exe file
- My application starts but there is a part of it that uses QWebEngine. This part of the application is not working because when I try to use it, I getan error popup that says:
qtwebengineprocess.exe - Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xXXXXXXXX). Click OK to terminate the application.
Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?
I found the origin of the problem.
It is because I run Windows 10 through a virtual machine. The directory where I placed my .exe file was located on a network drive...If I move this directory to a local drive, the error disappears.
I found the origin of the problem.
It is because I run Windows 10 through a virtual machine. The directory where I placed my .exe file was located on a network drive...If I move this directory to a local drive, the error disappears.