debug.log file created when removing files from qtwebengine_locales
This application I'm working on uses Qt Linguist to translate text for some popups, while most of the text is translated by the front-end used with the QtWebEngine. When the application is deployed, the translations folder is created. The qtwebengine_locales folder is inside it, and it contains some .pak files with some localizations. I am not sure if there is anything being used from these files, however after removing the user machine's locale .pak file, when the application is ran, a debug.log file is created with some warnings about the missing locale .pak file.
Is there a way to remove these files, or find what from them is being used?
If they can just be removed, is there a way to prevent the debug.log file from being created? Is it some parameter I'm missing? I know Windeployqt can be used with the -release parameter to remove some debug information, is there anything similar for these localization files?