Only some of the operations called within the onPressed function are executed
Hello everyone
I encountered a strange problem (which, by the way, also repeats itself in the onClicked() function)
I have a screen with a top and a bottom. The lower part contains 2 buttons that are hidden in the view of the upper part.
That is, when the A button is pressed, the top part will change to a certain view called A
And the same for the B button.The appearance of the button is based on an image that I have in the project, and at the same time as changing the display of the upper part, I want to change the background image of the button and that the image remains for the entire time that the part of the screen related to it is displayed.
That's why I used the function onPressed() and there I defined both the display change of the top part and the change of the background image of the button.
What is happening is a really strange thing:
If we do only image replacement - it works fine. As soon as it is also required to change the display on the screen - only the display of the screen changes and the image does not.(I tried changing the view both by directly accessing the source and changing it in the function to the other image, and by using a flag that I changed in the function and used in the source definition, both ways did not work)
Has anyone encountered such behavior and can help me in this matter?
@GrecKo OK
It's a bit more complex than what I described, but I'll try to narrow it down and bring relevant code I have 2 buttons, info for information screen and general for general screen
this is FooterForm.ui.qml fileItem { id: footerForm property alias generalBtn: general property alias generalBtnImg: generalBtnImg property alias informationBtn: information property alias infoBtnImg: infoBtnImg Row { id: btns x: 18; y: 8; spacing: 10 Button { id: general text: "general" background: Image { id: generalBtnImg source: generalIsPressed ? "../images/TabButtonClicked.png" : "../images/TabButton.png" } } Button { id: information text: "info" background: Image { id: infoBtnImg source: infoIsPressed ? "../images/TabButtonClicked.png" : "../images/TabButton.png" } } } }
this is Footer.qml file
FooterForm { id: footer property bool infoIsPressed: false property bool generalIsPressed: true generalBtn.onPressed: { // Booleans change to update the background image of the button generalIsPressed = true infoIsPressed = false //signal that changes the top of the screen DeviceStateController.reloadLayout() } informationBtn.onPressed: { // Booleans change to update the background image of the button generalIsPressed = false infoIsPressed = true //call that changes the top of the screen GlobalVariables.stack.push(infoComp) }
So now the top part changes but the image of the button doesn't.
If I put in comment the calls to the top change and leave only the changes of the boolean variables, the change of the image works fine.
What to do in such a situation?
I actually bypassed the problem and just defined the button, I didn't give it a source and on every page that has an instance of the button I set a different source and that's how it works. (on the information page there is a certain definition and on the general page a different definition as I wish) but the question remains the same.