Chartview resizing problem
I have been creating a 2d chartview in QML.. the chartview is in the smaller size places at the right corner of the window..When the window is in fullscreen size,the chartview fits correctly according to the specific size..But, When the Application window resizes,the chartview shrunken too much..i could not see the plot in the graph.
Before Resizing/fullscreen mode:
after resizing/ resized window
@Vijaykarthikeyan the only thing that changes when the chart area is reduced is the space that the chart view may occupy. It doesn't do anything such as shrink axis labels and other text. Therefore, there will be a minimum size below which your chart is not useful.
You could restrict the minimum size of your application window so that the chart never gets too small.
@Bob64 No,you have to declare the margins for correct size during resizing,you have to set its all margins to 0 and reduce the font's pixel size of all the labels and clip the graph to the rectang;e..that helped me to sort out the resizing problem