QT designer with custom widget plugin setting incorrect qualified enum property name
Hi all I am seeing some strange outcomes when using QT designer and a custom widget plugin.
I have declared an enum like so. I originally tried with the enum inside a class that extended QObject (while using the Q_ENUM macro) and the results are the same.
namespace SettingsTypes { Q_NAMESPACE enum class Network { NETWORK_IP, NETWORK_PORT }; Q_ENUM_NS(Network) }
My widget declares the enum as a property.
class QDESIGNER_WIDGET_EXPORT SettingsWidget : public QLineEdit { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(SettingsTypes::Network setting READ getSetting WRITE setSetting) public: explicit SettingsWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr); SettingsTypes::Network getSetting(); void setSetting(SettingsTypes::Network s); public slots: void valueChanged(const QString &); private: SettingsTypes::Network setting; };
At this point everything works great, the widget shows up in designer. I can even use the widget in my main app.
The issue I am facing is when I select my settings property value in designer (which shows up correctly with my list of enum values) and then build the app, I see this.
error: 'NETWORK_IP' is not a member of 'SettingsTypes'; did you mean 'SettingsTypes::Network::NETWORK_IP'?
Which is happening from the designer generated code.
It appears to be messing up the qualified name for the enum. If I change the generated code to SettingsTypes::Network::NETWORK_IP everything compiles and is happy.
Any ideas how designer has gotten confused? I have tried to call qRegisterMetaTypeSettingsTypes::Network("SettingsTypes::Network"); in the widgetplugin constructor but that didn't make a difference either. I am using CLion and CMake if you think that could have an effect.
I'm not sure if 'enum class' is supported here. Maybe search the bug report system and/or create a bug for it.
@Christian-Ehrlicher damn, you are correct. Making it an Enum fixed it. Thanks!