Ibus is not stable in qtcreator
Japanese input in QtCreator is not very stable.
On the WSL2 console or text editor(gedit), I can switch direct<-> japanese with hankaku/zenkaku key without any problems, but on QtCreator, I often couldn't do it.Also, even though I have switched from Japanese to direct input, it is unstable, such as one Japanese character later entering where the input cursor is.
Example) int a =0;あThis is inconvenient when entering comments, etc.
I tried installing Ubuntu in Virtual Box and installing Qtcreator, but the response to key input was slow and had a problem, so I'm currently using WSL2.If you have any solution, please let me know.
thank you.<Environment>
Ubuntu22.04 WSL2 (Windows10)
Input method has been set at the end of .profile
export GDM_LANG=ja
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export XMODIFIRES=@im=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
ibus-daemon -rdxQtCreator: 9.0.0-rc1
*The Japanese character entering later also occurred on Ubuntu, which is not a virtual environment.