Qt WebKit interpretation of target="new"
I'm trying to help my team solve a way to get Qt WebKit view to interpret the html code:
@<a href="foo.html" target="new">go to foo</a>@to pop a new webkit view as a new OS level window. Any hints as to where to look to enable this functionality are much appreciated.
-k -
semafore thanks for the question
volker thanks for the anwser
this thing was also required for me
after reimplenting the protected function
there will be a paramter QWebPage::WebWindowType type
it is an enum http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwebpage.html
QWebPage::WebBrowserWindow 0 The window is a regular web browser window.
QWebPage::WebModalDialog 1 The window acts as modal dialog.
you will hvae to check which is the one and perform the task for that one