QR code creator and scanner for desktop and wasm
Hello everyone,
I want to point your attention to a Qt QrCode library I have put together.
https://github.com/EddyTheCo/Esterv.Utils.QrCodeThis library in principle should work for major desktop platforms and wasm.
The most interesting thing(at least for me) is the decoder that also works for wasm. It uses OpenCV.
You can see an example of the use in https://eddytheco.github.io/DLockersClient/
I will try to create more documentation on how to use it in the future.
Creating a QR code creator and scanner for desktop and WebAssembly (Wasm) involves using programming languages and libraries that support both environments. Below, I'll provide a basic example using HTML, JavaScript, and a popular library called jsQR for QR code scanning. For QR code creation, we can use the qrcode-generator library.