Does anyone know if one day we will possible to use QML in browsers (firefox, opera, etc.)? I found "http://sites.google.com/site/qtqmlbrowserplugin/home":http://sites.google.com/site/qtqmlbrowserplugin/home, but it seems outdated .
N.[edit: Mark up link, Tobias Hunger]
AFAIK, there is no plan for an official browser plugin. At least it was the position in the last time I saw a developer talking about this subject, but it was in the first semester, don't know if the plans changed since then...
EDIT: "a developer talking about this subject" == "http://lists.trolltech.com/pipermail/qt-qml/2010-April/000213.html":http://lists.trolltech.com/pipermail/qt-qml/2010-April/000213.html =)