FileNotFoundError when running test remotely
I am running Squish remotely from a windows host PC to a Hyper-V VM. I have a piece of code that opens a file and scans it for a particular string. When I run this test locally on the VM it works. When I run it remotely from the host PC (i.e. starting 'squishserver' on the VM and then running the test from the host) it is not able to see the file picture attached.
I am wondering if the open(file_path) function is executing on the host PC rather than the VM?
Hi, just guessing but those double backslashes at the beginning of the line under "Script Error" (C:\\Users\\archauto/appdata), when you run remotely, they could be interpreted as an SMB path to a PC called \Users and not a path on the C: drive. Just guessing!
@hskoglund I added code that replaces all the backslashes with forward slashes so that the filepath is 'C:/Users/archauto/AppData/Local/ETC/Paradigm/5.1.0/logs . . .' and I get the same error. I appreciate the response though.
In case you want to access to file on remote system (where squishserver is running),
you should access them via functions offered by "remotesystem" object.
For more information regarding this object please refer to the following documentation.