How to add file browsing facility to my application?
There is a ready to use native or Qt folder and file selection dialogues, and you can also easily implement a file browser by using standard components like QTreeView and QListView with the addition of minimum custom code. There is also QFileSystemModel and a bunch of other classes.
Take a look here: -
From Qt Assistant:
The QFileDialog class provides a dialog that allow users to select files or directories.
The QFileDialog class enables a user to traverse the file system in order to select one or many files or a directory.
The easiest way to create a QFileDialog is to use the static functions. On Windows, Mac OS X, KDE and GNOME, these static functions will call the native file dialog when possible.
QFileDialogs static functions should be what you're looking for, like "getOpenFileName(..)":
In that case "this": might be helpful.