[Solved] QAbstractListModel and QML considerations
Hi folks,
I am currently trying to design a « CalendarView » in QML, with a C++-side QAbstractListModel.
However, I'm facing an issue, and don't know how to fix it. Here is a screenshot of what I'm trying
to achieve :!http://i.imgur.com/q8vsq.png(Calendar)!
As you can see, my view consist in a simple GridView, populated by a C++ CalendarModel, which
is a subclass of QAbstractListModel, defining the following roles :@enum Role { DayNumberRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, MonthNumberRole, MonthNameRole, DateRole };@
This is working fine, however, I don't know how to expose the « items » (the green rectangles) into
my QML View. I tried returning a QList<CalendarItem *> on my data() function, bound to a given role
(like ItemsRole), but didn't succeed to.What is the best way to do it ? I would like to keep the model-view driven architecture, keeping a
C++-side model, populated by the user and then a QML view displaying all the datas. -