Change Tabulation Order in TableView
QML and Qt Quick
I have the code below creating a table with 3 cells.
How can I change the tabulation order in the table? For example, going from cell1 to cell3 instead of cell2.import QtQuick import QtQuick.Window import QtQuick.Controls import Qt.labs.qmlmodels Window { width: 640 height: 480 visible: true title: qsTr("Test Table") TableView { anchors.fill: parent columnSpacing: 5 rowSpacing: 2 clip: true flickableDirection: Flickable.AutoFlickIfNeeded model: TableModel { TableModelColumn { display: "name" } TableModelColumn { display: "color" } TableModelColumn { display: "make" } rows: [ { "name": "", "color": "", "make": "" } ] property var headers: [ { 'id': 'name_header', 'align': Text.AlignLeft, 'role': 'name', 'title': qsTr("name"), 'visible': true, 'width': 100 }, { 'id': 'color_header', 'align': Text.AlignLeft, 'role': 'color', 'title': qsTr("color"), 'visible': true, 'width': 100 }, { 'id': 'make_header', 'align': Text.AlignLeft, 'role': 'make', 'title': qsTr("make"), 'visible': true, 'width': 100 } ] } delegate: DelegateChooser { DelegateChoice { column: 0 TextField { id: nameField selectByMouse: true Flickable { contentWidth: 100 ScrollBar.horizontal: ScrollBar { } } property bool selected: false property bool borderless: false property bool modified: false text: "first entry" background: Rectangle { color: "white" border.color: nameField.activeFocus || selected ? "#354793" : borderless ? "white" : "#bdbebf" border.width: 1 radius: 2.0 } } } DelegateChoice { column: 1 TextField { selectByMouse: true property bool selected: false property bool borderless: false property bool modified: false text: "second entry" background: Rectangle { color: "white" border.color: colorField.activeFocus || selected ? "#354793" : borderless ? "white" : "#bdbebf" border.width: 1 radius: 2.0 } } } DelegateChoice { column: 2 Component { TextField { selectByMouse: true property bool selected: false property bool borderless: false property bool modified: false text: "last entry" background: Rectangle { color: "white" border.color: makeField.activeFocus || selected ? "#354793" : borderless ? "white" : "#bdbebf" border.width: 1 radius: 2.0 } } } } } } }
Thank you