Problems with Compiling Qt Creator Source Code with Visual Studio 2019
I am trying to compile the Qt Creator source code using Visual Studio 2019 following the instructions on Github, and the following issue occurred:
The command I referenced is :
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G Ninja "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt;/path/to/llvm" \path\to\qtcreator_sources
When I compile with *-G ninja * , I run qt-creator.exe Ok! But I can't get .sln file. When I compile without *-G ninja * , it's noy Ok!
This error indicates that the path for Qt to load the plugin is incorrect. At this point, the code has already been compiled, so we can debug it and modify some of the code in the loading path.
@XiaofengXu said in Problems with Compiling Qt Creator Source Code with Visual Studio 2019:
"-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt;/path/to/llvm" \path\to\qtcreator_sources
You're aware that there must be correct paths in there?
Acyually, the command I use is : cmake -DWITH_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=D:\qt6installl;D:\llvm2\llvminstall" E:\QtCodeexercise\qtcreatorsrc\qt-creator -
This error indicates that the path for Qt to load the plugin is incorrect. At this point, the code has already been compiled, so we can debug it and modify some of the code in the loading path.