how to enter nested Repeter's items properly
basicaly i have repeater inside another repater,
and outside i need to walk though all delegated Rectangles and give it a background color.Tho, I dont know exactly how to access them from outside, i tried several stuff but not worked:
Window { property int numberIdClicked onNumberIdClickedChanged: { console.log(numberIdClicked); for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++) { rep1.itemAt(i).children[0].children[j].color = "red"; // ReferenceError: rep1 is not defined } } } Rectangle { id: mainRect // Main Rectangles GridLayout { Loader { id: gridLoader sourceComponent: loaderComponent active: false Component { id: loaderComponent GridLayout { Repeater { id: rep1 model: 9 Rectangle { id: mainGrid GridLayout { Repeater { id: rep2 property int rep2Index: index model: 9 delegate: Rectangle { MouseArea { onClicked: { if (gridValue[(rep2.rep2Index)*9+(index)]['visible'] === false) { if (numberIdClicked === (rep2.rep2Index)*9+(index)+1) { numberIdClicked = 0; } else { numberIdClicked = (rep2.rep2Index)*9+(index)+1; } } } } // MouseArea } // Rectangle (test3) } //Repeater (rep2) } // GridLayout } } // Rectangle (mainGrid) } // GridLayout } // Component (loaderComponent) } // Loader (gridLoader) } // GridLayout } // Rectangle (mainRect) } // Window
@shokarta Don't.
Make your delegates react to your data. Don't modify them manually.
In your example, I don't know what's numberIdClicked purpose but you can have a property in your Window (or somewhere else) and just bind to it in your delegates.
Window { id: yourWindowId property color rectangleColor: "white" onNumberIdClickedChanged: rectangleColor = "red" delegate: Rectangle { color: yourWindowId.rectangleColor // ...
TBH your code seems needlessly complicated, have you considered using a model and a TableView Maybe
@GrecKo thank you for great input.
i know its complicated, but because of the functions i still believe this is much better then TableView, tho lets not discusse this now :)
I am more looking for this solution:
which I can not addapt to my usecase.Do you think this might work for me too?
For my reasons of what the program does, this is the way i need to access it unfortunately.Thank you for your great support!
so these solutions are not nice, but they work:
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++) { console.log(i + " / " + j + " " + mainRect.children[0].children[0].children[0].children[i].children[0].children[j].color); console.log(i + " / " + j + " " + gridLoader.children[0].children[i].children[0].children[j].color); } }