Unexpected CSS behavior
I'm using the following stylesheet for one of my classes:
setStyleSheet("QPushButton { background: qradialgradient(cx: 0, cy: 0, radius: 0.8, fx: 0.5, fy: 0.5,"
"stop: 0 #00FFFF, stop: 1 #0099FF); border: 1px solid #000000; border-radius: 6px; }"
"QPushButton#submitButton, QPushButton#cancelButton, QPushButton#downloadButton,"
"QPushButton#printButton, QPushButton#uploadButton, QPushButton#monitorButton,"
"QPushButton#define1Button, QPushButton#define2Button { background-color: #E0E0E0;"
"border: 2px solid #000000; border-radius: 7px; }"
"QPushButton:pressed { background-color: #FFFFFF; }"
@There's a list of specific buttons (submitButton, cancelButton, etc.) that have a relatively simple look, but all of the rest of the buttons use qradialgradient. I'd like the background color of all the buttons to turn to white (#FFFFFF) when they're clicked, but only the QPushButtons that are not specifically named do this. The ones that are specifically named don't change appearance. What am I doing wrong?