Qt 6.5 WASM Failing to start on iOS or Safari
Is anyone else experiencing a WASM issue of not starting on Safari properly (any current version) since moving to Qt 6.5 from 6.4.*?
I have a test site http://minebombing.surge.sh
this runs on android, windows but won't run on iOS or on Mac using Safari with the error:
"Application exit (SyntaxError: The string did not match the expected pattern.)"Trying to debug this online using a Safari emulator (grateful to SauceLabs.com to do this with) found that when trying to get the OpenGLWidget context on creation, that converting the object string (I think that's what it is called) from an int value to a cString using UTF8ArrayToString would convert it from a number to a blank string while in the findEventTarget function. I don't know if that is the issue, but just after that I get the error.
UTF8ArrayToString -
Here is the same code compiled with Qt 6.4.3 and emsdk 3.1.14:
This runs on Safari and iOS fine - and from the looks of it there have been a number of changes in the HTML, and perhaps elsewhere too between this version Qt 6.4.3 emsdk 3.1.14 and the Qt 6.5 emsdk 3.1.25 version that isn't running on iOS and Safari
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!