Problem with windeployqt building with Qt6.5
When I try to build one project I get:
5>windeployqt: "C:/Qt/6.5.0/msvc2019_64/bin\windeployqt.exe" --list target --dir C:\Users\amonra\Documents\GitHub\DSS\x64\Debug\ C:\Users\amonra\Documents\GitHub\DSS\x64\Debug\DeepSkyStacker.exe
5>EXEC : warning : Cannot find Visual Studio installation directory, VCINSTALLDIR is not set.
5>Cannot open .: Access is denied.
5>C:\Users\amonra\AppData\Local\QtMsBuild\deploy\qtdeploy.targets(283,5): error MSB3073: The command ""C:/Qt/6.5.0/msvc2019_64/bin\windeployqt.exe" --list target --dir C:\Users\amonra\Documents\GitHub\DSS\x64\Debug\ C:\Users\amonra\Documents\GitHub\DSS\x64\Debug\DeepSkyStacker.exe > "x64\Debug\windeployqt.log"" exited with code 1.
5>Done building project "DeepSkyStacker.vcxproj" -- FAILED.If I check the macro settings in Visual Studio $(VCInstallDir) is set:
I cannot set VCINSTALLDIR as a Environment Variable on a system wide basis as I have several releases of Visual Studio installed.
When I ran the build again (hoping to pick up where it left off, I got:
Build started...
1>------ Build started: Project: DeepSkyStacker, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>DeepSkyStacker.vcxproj -> C:\Users\amonra\Documents\GitHub\DSS\x64\Debug\DeepSkyStacker.exe
1>Add necessary Qt stuff to the output directory
1>Setting up environment for Qt usage...
1>Remember to call vcvarsall.bat to complete environment setup!
1>** Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.5.3
1>** Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation
1>[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64'
1>Cannot open .: Access is denied.
1>C:\Users\amonra\Documents\GitHub\DSS\x64\Debug\DeepSkyStacker.exe 64 bit, debug executable
1>Adding Qt6Svg for qsvgicond.dll
1>Adding Qt6Pdf for qpdfd.dll
1>Skipping plugin qtvirtualkeyboardplugind.dll due to disabled dependencies (Qt6Qml Qt6Quick).
1>Direct dependencies: Qt6Core Qt6Gui Qt6Network Qt6Widgets
1>All dependencies : Qt6Core Qt6Gui Qt6Network Qt6Widgets
1>To be deployed : Qt6Core Qt6Gui Qt6Network Qt6Pdf Qt6Svg Qt6Widgets
1>Qt6Cored.dll is up to date.
1>Qt6Cored.pdb is up to date.
1>Qt6Guid.dll is up to date.
1>Qt6Guid.pdb is up to date.
1>Qt6Networkd.dll is up to date.
1>Qt6Networkd.pdb is up to date.
1>Qt6Pdfd.dll is up to date.
1>Qt6Pdfd.pdb is up to date.
1>Qt6Svgd.dll is up to date.
1>Qt6Svgd.pdb is up to date.
1>Qt6Widgetsd.dll is up to date.
1>Qt6Widgetsd.pdb is up to date.
1>opengl32sw.dll is up to date.
1>d3dcompiler_47.dll is up to date.
1>concrt140d.dll is up to date.
1>msvcp140_1d.dll is up to date.
1>msvcp140_2d.dll is up to date.
1>msvcp140d.dll is up to date.
1>msvcp140d_atomic_wait.dll is up to date.
1>msvcp140d_codecvt_ids.dll is up to date.
1>vccorlib140d.dll is up to date.
1>vcruntime140_1d.dll is up to date.
1>vcruntime140d.dll is up to date.
1>qtuiotouchplugind.dll is up to date.
1>qtuiotouchplugind.pdb is up to date.
1>qsvgicond.dll is up to date.
1>qsvgicond.pdb is up to date.
1>qgifd.dll is up to date.
1>qgifd.pdb is up to date.
1>qicnsd.dll is up to date.
1>qicnsd.pdb is up to date.
1>qicod.dll is up to date.
1>qicod.pdb is up to date.
1>qjpegd.dll is up to date.
1>qjpegd.pdb is up to date.
1>qpdfd.dll is up to date.
1>qpdfd.pdb is up to date.
1>qsvgd.dll is up to date.
1>qsvgd.pdb is up to date.
1>qtgad.dll is up to date.
1>qtgad.pdb is up to date.
1>qtiffd.dll is up to date.
1>qtiffd.pdb is up to date.
1>qwbmpd.dll is up to date.
1>qwbmpd.pdb is up to date.
1>qwebpd.dll is up to date.
1>qwebpd.pdb is up to date.
1>qnetworklistmanagerd.dll is up to date.
1>qnetworklistmanagerd.pdb is up to date.
1>qwindowsd.dll is up to date.
1>qwindowsd.pdb is up to date.
1>qwindowsvistastyled.dll is up to date.
1>qwindowsvistastyled.pdb is up to date.
1>qcertonlybackendd.dll is up to date.
1>qcertonlybackendd.pdb is up to date.
1>qopensslbackendd.dll is up to date.
1>qopensslbackendd.pdb is up to date.
1>qschannelbackendd.dll is up to date.
1>qschannelbackendd.pdb is up to date.
1>Creating qt_ar.qm...
1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(159,5): error MSB3073: The command "call C:/Qt/6.5.0/msvc2019_64/bin\qtenv2.bat
1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(159,5): error MSB3073: call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(159,5): error MSB3073: C:/Qt/6.5.0/msvc2019_64/bin\windeployqt --pdb C:\Users\amonra\Documents\GitHub\DSS\x64\Debug\DeepSkyStacker.exe
1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(159,5): error MSB3073: :VCEnd" exited with code 1.
1>Done building project "DeepSkyStacker.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 4 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Build started at 1:51 AM and took 03.445 seconds ========== -
5>C:\Users\amonra\AppData\Local\QtMsBuild\deploy\qtdeploy.targets(283,5): error MSB3073: The command ""C:/Qt/6.5.0/msvc2019_64/bin\windeployqt.exe" --list target --dir C:\Users\amonra\Documents\GitHub\DSS\x64\Debug\ C:\Users\amonra\Documents\GitHub\DSS\x64\Debug\DeepSkyStacker.exe > "x64\Debug\windeployqt.log"" exited with code 1.
You have built a Qt program using msvc2019 and want to deploy it with libraries for msvc2022. Correct?
@ChrisW67 I build the project with VS2022 as I have been doing for quite some time with 6.4.0.
Now I switched to 6.5.0. AFAICT 6.5.0 only offers:
so that's what I used. Are you saying the VS2022 isn't a supported build environment?
AFAICT this is a Qt Vs Tools issue, or a problem with 6.5.0 windeployqt
I've raised this as a VS Tools problem:
Hi @Perdrix said in Problem with windeployqt building with Qt6.5:
Cannot open .: Access is denied.
That first error, at least, is (P1: Critical) bug QTBUG-112204.