QProgressDialog doubt
Im needing to use a endless progressbar, because I dont know when my program will end, and later close it. I try this if this code:
QProgressDialog ProgressDialog("Processing","Cancel", 0,0, this);
@But the dialog doesnt show... what I need to do?
How I do access qApp inside a QMainWindow? Im insisde of my MainWindow....
Maybe show() is forgotten for ProgressDialog ? And alexman is right about processEvents(). qApp is accessible everywhere, it is pointer to current running QApplication.
Im receiving some errors trying to pass qApp pointer to other class of the function that I use.
Says that "unexpect token 'const'"
here is my function declaration:
void BalancedMerge_Multipath::Sort(const char *sFileName, uint32_t uKeyQuantity,
uint32_t uMemorySize,
uint32_t uBufferSize, QApplication *qApp)
@ -
Can you say why do you want to pass it? It is available everywhere where you have QApplication header included
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1287947743"]Can you say why do you want to pass it? It is available everywhere where you have QApplication header included[/quote]
Hummm, didnt know that this was possible.
Ok I put qApp->processEvents() in some loops of my function. But nothing happens... any tip?
Maybe you can show some code? It will help me and others to find the problem.
BalancedMerge_Multipath balancedMerge_Multipath;
time(&initialTime); // Start Timer
balancedMerge_Multipath.Sort(ui->lineEdit_File_BalancedMerge->text().toStdString().c_str(),uFileSize, uMemorySize, ui->spinBox_BufferSize_BalancedMerge->value());
time(&finalTime); // Stop Timer
Inside balancedMerge_Multipath.Sort() I call qApp.processEvents().. -
Again, what about show()ing dialog?
show(), shows the dialog, but it doesnt have a progressbar or something, just stay there freezed.
bq. "From the API docs of QProgressDialog":http://doc.trolltech.com/main-snapshot/qprogressdialog.html#details
A common problem with progress dialogs is that it is difficult to know when to use them; operations take different amounts of time on different hardware. QProgressDialog offers a solution to this problem: it estimates the time the operation will take (based on time for steps), and only shows itself if that estimate is beyond minimumDuration() (4 seconds by default).As you set the range from 0 to 0 the dialog assumes there is nothing to do and does not show up. You must set a reasonable range and call setValue() regularly to make the dialog visible.
Yes.. but I dont know when or how much steps I will do.. this is because I use setRange(0,0) so it just show a busy indicator.
If you set the range from 0 to 0 there is obviously no work to be done, so the dialog will never show up.
I'd try this:
progress->setLabelText("Please wait...");
// always show the dialog
// do no assumed time calculation
// disable the cancel button at all
// eventually show the dialog
@ -
You can use exec to show your dialog. But it works only for me if i use a new Thread for my function. I'm looking for a solution without threads, but can't find something.
QProgressDialog dlg("Running...", QString(), 0, 0, this, Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint);
MyThread* work = new MyThread();
connect(work, SIGNAL(statusText(QString)), &dlg, SLOT(setLabelText(QString)));
connect(work, SIGNAL(finished()), &dlg, SLOT(cancel()));
connect(work, SIGNAL(errorText(QString,QWaitCondition*)), this, SLOT(workError(QString,QWaitCondition*)));
@ -
Use single @ tag before and after code. I've fixed it in this comment, but don't forget about it in future posts.
What do you mean by "solution without threads"?
If you do your work in the main thread, then that thread is blocked with your work. You want to process the pending events from time to time, eg. with "QCoreApplication::processEvents() ":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qcoreapplication.html#processEvents
If you do the work in a separate thread, the main thread's event loop continues to run and everything is updated automatically.
As long as i am waiting for a TIMEOUT
i want to show the QProgressDialog.Something like
QProgressDialog dlg("Running...", QString(), 0, 0, this, Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint);
but if i use exec only the ProgressBar is running forever.Thank u for helping with the code tag. Hope its better now.
this snippet works for me:
QProgressDialog pd;
pd.setLabelText("waiting for connect");pd.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal);
// always show the dialog
// do no assumed time calculation
// disable the cancel button at all
// eventually show the dialog
pd.setValue(1);QTcpSocket sock;
connect(&_tcpScoket, SIGNAL(connected()), &pd, SLOT(cancel()));
_tcpScoket.connectToHost("host", 80);
@Be aware that there is no need to explicitly exec the progress dialog (in contrary to an "ordinary" QDialog).
@Volker: Thank you. With processEvents() i can get the dialog visible. But it doesn't show title or progressbar. Only blank window. Some time ago i tried to put the tcpsocket in another thread, but it wasn't easy so it remained in the main thread. Is there a way to start the progressdialog in a new thread?
edit: Just seen your answer. I will try it.