How to animate a subset of items instantiated by Repeater one after another?
QML and Qt Quick
Hi All,
Is there a standard QML component using which several items created in Repeater can be animated one after the other with some delay (i.e. not simultaneously)?
So far I could only come up with a Timer based solution like below:import QtQuick 6.3 Item { width: 600; height: 400 Row { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 5 Repeater { id: _repeater anchors.fill: parent model: 10 delegate: Rectangle { id: _rect width: 50; height: 50 color: "green" function animate() {_anim.start()} SequentialAnimation { id: _anim NumberAnimation {target: _rect; property: "height"; from: 50; to: 150} NumberAnimation {target: _rect; property: "height"; from: 150; to: 50} } } } } Timer { id: _timer property var indexes repeat: true interval: 150 onTriggered: { if (indexes.length !== 0) { _repeater.itemAt(indexes.shift()).animate() } else stop() } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { _timer.indexes = [1, 2, 3, 4] _timer.start() } } }
Thanks in advance
You could put a Timer in the delegate of the Repeater. This would allow the interval of the Timer to be a function of the index:
interval: index * 150
This might give you more options for overlaying the animations. There is also a duration in the animation itself. So you could play with that as well to overlap animations.
I think your solution is fine as is though.
Use a SequentialAnimation and put a PauseAnimation in it first, with a duration depending on the index of the delegate.