Access QObject with VSCode and GDB
Hi Guys,
I have a problem about QT debug. Now I'm working on a linux project which consist by C++ Libs(70%) & QT Applications(30%). We use cmake to manage the whole project since most modules doen't have any QT features.
The primary IDE of our group is VSCode, and I found that monite QT Object / Variables is quiet hard during debug.
For example, there is a QString p = "some text", and what I could see from the debugger is something like this:
I understand sometimes let developer access more detail is helpful, but I still want know if there is anyway that may help me have a look at the actual text information just like what people can do in QTCreator.In real applications, there is a lot of container like QList and pointers like QSharedPointers, which make my job even more complex. Now what I did is printing everything by qdebug, but I think maybe there is a better way to solve this problem.
I'd like to know if there is any QT/VSCode/GDB tools that may help. I did some research but doesn't have any luck yet.
Thanks in advance,