How can I import the Maemo/Symbian components into Quick-Designer?
I can't see any of the components for Maemo or Symbian in the list of items in qt-creator designer. How can I make them visible?
The Qt SDK does ship together with the Symbian components build for the Qt Quick Designer.
Another solution is to build share\qtcreator\qml\qmlpuppet in the Qt Creator source directory with a Qt version that supports the required components. This is a more generic solution.
Building qmlpuppet will install an executable for rendering components in the /bin directory of the Qt building it. Qt Quick Designer checks for the Qt of the current project if a qmlpuppet is in the /bin directory. If yes it takes the qmlpuppet provided by the Qt version instead of the one provided by Qt Creator itself. This is a generic solution to be able to render any component available in a specific Qt.