How to Write more than one data on same cell when export to excell?
I'm us'ng Qxlsx for export data to excell. Day, month and year data are not coming as a whole, but separately. I can print them one by one while printing them in excel. How can I combine these 3 data and print it?
here is my code for export
for (i = 0; i < maxRowCount; ++i) // get maximum data row { //strList.clear(); for (j = 0; j < 7; ++j) { /* j[0] = Temp Değeri j[1] = Humadity j[2] = Day j[3] = moon j[4] = Year j[5] = Second j[6] = Minute j[7] = Hour */ if (i < dataColums[j].count()) { format.setNumberFormatIndex(2); // for save as number format if (j == 0) { xlsx.write(k, 3, dataColums[j][i], format); } else if(j==1) { xlsx.write(k, 4, dataColums[j][i], format); } else if(j==2 ) { //here I need write day moon and year when j=2 But I cannot write 3 data on same time. } } k = k + 1; }
@mangekoyu said in How to Write more than one data on same cell when export to excell?:
j[2] = Day
j[3] = moon
j[4] = YearIf day, month and year are always the third, fourth and fifth value (index 2 to 4), make a check against them in your for loop and combine them.
Like:for (j = 0; j <= 7; ++j) { string result; if (j == 2) { j = 4; // to prevent double entries and skip date in regular loop for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++){ result += data[2+jj]; } else{ result = data[j]; } } // print result }
If your data is like
{A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A}
, it printsA, A, AAA, A, A, A
You need to replace
j < 7
withj <= 7
or you will never reach yourdata[7]
@mangekoyu said in How to Write more than one data on same cell when export to excell?:
xlsx.write(k, 4, result, format);
is only a variable in my example. You need to change it, so it fits to your code.