Help Wanted: PyQt: How can I handle the html and JavaScript content that open in new tab?
Hello! I'm Trying to make a browser for my project. I noticed that it doesn't open links that open in new tab. Please see/download the video here
I just can't get it to open the link in a new tab! I'm on Windows 10 Python 3.10.0
This is my code:# code from #Code modified by Azlan Chenlong # importing required libraries from PyQt6.QtCore import * from PyQt6.QtWidgets import * from PyQt6.QtGui import * from PyQt6.QtWebEngineWidgets import * from PyQt6.QtPrintSupport import * from PyQt6 import QtNetwork from Ignite import flame import os import sys import subprocess core = flame() # main window class MainWindow(QMainWindow): # constructor def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #Set Up Proxy proxy = QtNetwork.QNetworkProxy() proxy.setType(QtNetwork.QNetworkProxy.ProxyType.HttpProxy) proxy.setHostName("localhost") proxy.setPort(8088) QtNetwork.QNetworkProxy.setApplicationProxy(proxy) #Check Cache for url global url try: cache = open("IgniteBrowserCache.txt","r") url = cache.close() del cache except FileNotFoundError: pass #reset cache file cache = open("IgniteBrowserCache.txt","w") cache.write("None") cache.close() del cache # creating a tab widget self.tabs = QTabWidget() # making document mode true self.tabs.setDocumentMode(True) # adding action when double clicked self.tabs.tabBarDoubleClicked.connect(self.tab_open_doubleclick) # adding action when tab is changed self.tabs.currentChanged.connect(self.current_tab_changed) # making tabs closeable self.tabs.setTabsClosable(True) # adding action when tab close is requested self.tabs.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.close_current_tab) # making tabs as central widget self.setCentralWidget(self.tabs) # creating a status bar self.status = QStatusBar() # setting status bar to the main window self.setStatusBar(self.status) # creating a tool bar for navigation navtb = QToolBar("Navigation") # adding tool bar tot he main window self.addToolBar(navtb) # creating back action back_btn = QAction("Back", self) # setting status tip back_btn.setStatusTip("Back to previous page") # adding action to back button # making current tab to go back back_btn.triggered.connect(lambda: self.tabs.currentWidget().back()) # adding this to the navigation tool bar navtb.addAction(back_btn) # similarly adding next button next_btn = QAction("Forward", self) next_btn.setStatusTip("Forward to next page") next_btn.triggered.connect(lambda: self.tabs.currentWidget().forward()) navtb.addAction(next_btn) # similarly adding reload button reload_btn = QAction("Reload", self) reload_btn.setStatusTip("Reload page") reload_btn.triggered.connect(lambda: self.tabs.currentWidget().reload()) navtb.addAction(reload_btn) # creating home action home_btn = QAction("Home", self) home_btn.setStatusTip("Go home") # adding action to home button home_btn.triggered.connect(self.navigate_home) navtb.addAction(home_btn) # Create new Tab action for ease of access newtab_btn = QAction("New Tab", self) newtab_btn.setStatusTip("Create a new tab, double click in the tab space to do the same") newtab_btn.triggered.connect(self.new_tab) navtb.addAction(newtab_btn) # adding a separator navtb.addSeparator() # creating a line edit widget for URL self.urlbar = QLineEdit() # adding action to line edit when return key is pressed self.urlbar.returnPressed.connect(self.navigate_to_url) # adding line edit to tool bar navtb.addWidget(self.urlbar) # similarly adding stop action stop_btn = QAction("Stop", self) stop_btn.setStatusTip("Stop loading current page") stop_btn.triggered.connect(lambda: self.tabs.currentWidget().stop()) navtb.addAction(stop_btn) #check if new url sent if url == "None": url = '' # creating first tab self.add_new_tab(QUrl(url), 'Homepage') # showing all the components # setting window title self.setWindowTitle("Ignite Browser") def new_tab(self): self.add_new_tab() # method for adding new tab def add_new_tab(self, qurl = None, label ="Blank"): # if url is blank if qurl is None: # creating a google url or sent url qurl = QUrl('') # creating a QWebEngineView object browser = QWebEngineView() # setting url to browser browser.setUrl(qurl) # setting tab index i = self.tabs.addTab(browser, label) self.tabs.setCurrentIndex(i) # adding action to the browser when url is changed # update the url browser.urlChanged.connect(lambda qurl, browser = browser: self.update_urlbar(qurl, browser)) # adding action to the browser when loading is finished # set the tab title browser.loadFinished.connect(lambda _, i = i, browser = browser: self.tabs.setTabText(i, # when double clicked is pressed on tabs def tab_open_doubleclick(self, i): # checking index i.e # No tab under the click if i == -1: # creating a new tab self.add_new_tab() # when tab is changed def current_tab_changed(self, i): # get the curl qurl = self.tabs.currentWidget().url() # update the url self.update_urlbar(qurl, self.tabs.currentWidget()) # update the title self.update_title(self.tabs.currentWidget()) # when tab is closed def close_current_tab(self, i): # if there is only one tab if self.tabs.count() < 2: # do nothing return # else remove the tab self.tabs.removeTab(i) # method for updating the title def update_title(self, browser): # if signal is not from the current tab if browser != self.tabs.currentWidget(): # do nothing return # get the page title title = self.tabs.currentWidget().page().title() # set the window title self.setWindowTitle("% s - Ignite Browser" % title) # action to go to home def navigate_home(self): # go to google self.tabs.currentWidget().setUrl(QUrl("")) # method for navigate to url def navigate_to_url(self): # get the line edit text # convert it to QUrl object q = QUrl(self.urlbar.text()) # if scheme is blank if q.scheme() == "": # set scheme q.setScheme("http") # set the url self.tabs.currentWidget().setUrl(q) # method to update the url def update_urlbar(self, q, browser = None): # If this signal is not from the current tab, ignore if browser != self.tabs.currentWidget(): return # set text to the url bar self.urlbar.setText(q.toString()) # set cursor position self.urlbar.setCursorPosition(0) # creating a PyQt6 application app = QApplication(sys.argv) # setting name to the application app.setApplicationName("Ignite Browser") # creating MainWindow object window = MainWindow() # loop pid1 = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "temp.pyw"])#starts the proxy app.exec()