Qt6.2.3 - QQuickWidget - QtQuick.Studio.Components ..
QML and Qt Quick
I created a simple file.ui.qml with the QtDesignStudio :import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Studio.Components 1.0 Item { id: item1 width: 800 height: 800 Rectangle { id: rectangle x: 408 y: 234 width: 335 height: 295 color: "#b32424" } ArcItem { id: arc anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter begin: -90 end: 90 strokeWidth: 10 anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -70 anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: -126 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter fillColor: "#00000000" } }
I use the module QtQuick.Studio.Components for the ArcItem.
My goal is to display that in a QQuickWidget :ui->quickWidget->rootContext()->setContextProperty("TestQML", this); ui->quickWidget->setSource(QUrl("qrc:/qml/file.ui.qml")); ui->quickWidget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_AlwaysStackOnTop, true); ui->quickWidget->setClearColor(Qt::transparent);
But I have this error :
Cannot load library C:\Dev\Qt\6.2.3\mingw_64\qml\QtQuick\Studio\Components\quickstudiocomponentsplugin.dll: Le module sp?cifi? est introuvable.My .pro :
QT += core gui qml quick quickwidgets
Previously, I was able to do this with Qt5.15
Please, can someone explain to me how to use Qt.Quick.Componenent, Qt.Quick.Studio.Effect with QtCreator and a QQuickWidget ?