implicitHeight works differently in different controls
In main QML I have ApplicationWindow with header
header: ToolBar { id: toolBar implicitHeight: minimumCtrlHeight RowLayout { anchors.fill: parent ToolButton { id: backBtn onClicked: qmlCppSignals.returnBack() enabled: stackView.keyBackEnabled implicitWidth: parent.height implicitHeight: implicitWidth Image { id: backBtnImg source: backBtn.enabled ? "qrc:/img/back-enabled_48x48.png" : "qrc:/img/back-disabled_48x48.png" width: parent.width - minimumCtrlHeight / 4 height: parent.height - minimumCtrlHeight / 4 anchors.centerIn: parent } } Label { text: qsTr( "Stock" ) horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter Layout.fillWidth: true } ToolButton { id: menuButton onClicked: enabled: true implicitHeight: parent.height implicitWidth: implicitHeight Image { id: menuBtnImg width: parent.width - minimumCtrlHeight / 4 height: parent.height - minimumCtrlHeight / 4 anchors.centerIn: parent source: enabled ? "qrc:/img/menu-enabled_48x48.png" : "qrc:/img/menu-disabled_48x48.png" } } } }
Its implicit height set to minimumCtrlHeight, what is Screen.pixelDensity * 8. Ok, on Android I see 8 mm, fine.
In the application I have controls with implicitHeight set to minimumCtrlHeight, for example,
Grid { columns: 3 rowSpacing: 20 columnSpacing: 20 verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignLeft Text { text: qsTr( "Port" ) } SpinBox { id: portField editable: true from: 1 to: 65535 value: connectScreen.port textFromValue: function( value ) { return value; } implicitHeight: appWindow.minimumCtrlHeight implicitWidth: pwdField.width //up.indicator.implicitWidth: appWindow.minimumCtrlHeight //down.indicator.implicitWidth: appWindow.minimumCtrlHeight } Rectangle { width: 1 height: 1 } Text { text: qsTr( "Password" ) id: pwdText } TextField { id: pwdField placeholderText: qsTr( "Password" ) leftPadding: appWindow.minimumCtrlHeight / 3 echoMode: TextInput.Password text: connectScreen.pwd selectByMouse: true mouseSelectionMode: TextInput.SelectCharacters implicitHeight: appWindow.minimumCtrlHeight implicitWidth: content.width - 40 - implicitHeight - pwdText.width verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter } Button { id: showHide checkable: true checked: false width: height height: appWindow.minimumCtrlHeight implicitHeight: height implicitWidth: height Image { id: img width: parent.width - minimumCtrlHeight / 4 height: parent.height - minimumCtrlHeight / 4 anchors.centerIn: parent source: "qrc:/img/layer-visible-on_48x48.png" } onClicked: { if( checked ) { img.source = "qrc:/img/layer-visible-off_48x48.png" pwdField.echoMode = TextInput.Normal } else { img.source = "qrc:/img/layer-visible-on_48x48.png" pwdField.echoMode = TextInput.Password } } } Rectangle { width: 1 height: 1 } Button { id: connectBtn text: qsTr( "Connect" ) implicitHeight: appWindow.minimumCtrlHeight implicitWidth: pwdField.width onClicked: { showHide.checked = false pwdField.echoMode = TextInput.Password qmlCppSignals.connectRequest( pwdField.text, portField.value ) } } Rectangle { width: 1 height: 1 } }
And controls are with height less than 8 mm. Look at screenshot.
Why it's so? How can I fix it?
Thanks to Mitch Curtis. He answered me:
However, it's working as expected: the size of the Button is as you requested. However, because the Material style Button uses positive insets for the elevation drop shadow effect, the background is pushed inwards:
Oh, right, I forgot to mention the solution: set topInset and bottomInset to 0.