At wits end: SAPI + Qt = Fail
Hey guys,
I have implemented a speech recognizer in a clean Visual Studio program's main function. It works perfectly.
However, when I copied this code over to my project running Qt, and started implementing it as a QObject, it started spitting out error messages on the line:
@hr = SpGetDefaultTokenFromCategoryId(SPCAT_AUDIOIN, &cpObjectToken);
//hr == -2147200966 == SPERR_NOT_FOUND@More specifically, stepping into SpGetDefaulttokenFromCategoryId, it fails on this function call:
@WCHAR * pszTokenId;
hr = cpCategory->GetDefaultTokenId(&pszToken);
//hr == -2147200966 == SPERR_NOT_FOUND@This is compiling fine, and calls a bunch of initializing functions (which return S_OK) before it reaches this line.
I have asked this question on #qt, #winapi, MSDN forums, directly to Microsoft Researchers and now I'm here. Hopefully someone might know?