Bold font not being used for bold text
I've got two fonts, SourceHanSans-Bold.otf and SourceHanSans-Regular.otf. I use the 'regular' variant for all my text. Some of my text uses a bold style, either via the rich text bold tag or via the bold setting on the text. However, Unity isn't using the bold font to render this text; instead it looks like it's trying to bold it itself somehow.
How does Unity decide what font to use for bold text? I also have OpenSans-Bold.ttf and OpenSans-Regular.ttf and in that case the correct font is selected. I don't know what the difference is (aside from the fact that Open Sans is a ttf file and Source Han Sans is an otf file).This bug report seems like the same issue. It looks like it was resolved but other people have reported it as still occurring on more recent versions of Unity (I'm on 5.4.3f1 and can't upgrade right now).
This is a forum for Qt Framework, not Unity.