Googlemaps plugin Question
Hello every body,
It's late for me knowing and learning QT mapping, learning from scratch, step by step finally I successfully integrate map on a qml page as an instrument cluster app on my Raspberry pi4.
It very nice using mapboxgl plugin, its very beautiful view while driving trough the big city 3D view of various buildings along the trip , but untill now I'm not able to view som places or POI as I see on google maps. And then I try to use the googlemaps plugin
first time I confuse how to use the plugin, and finally I able to view the google maps on QML page of my cluster app.
simply by building googlemaps the project from Mr. Vladest. Thank you very much Mr. Vladest
Steps are: ( may be another users need it :) )- Build the googlemaps project and the result from mine is: ~/Documents/QtProject/build-googlemaps-Desktop_Qt_5_15_0_GCC_64bit-Debug/:
is: file - Copy the result library to the geoservice folder of the QT instalation folder( mine is :~/Qt/5.15.0/gcc_64/plugins/geoservices/
Also for the Raspberry pi4 cross compile do the same. - Library result for raspberry pi4 also copy to the Raspberry pi4 installation folder, mine is: /opt/qt5/plugins/geoservices
googlemaps plugin now is workig well on my desktop or my Raspberry pi4.
Now I'm facing the problem when using googlemaps, while driving in car using raspberry pi4 display, the google map show that the text of place can not rotate as the map bearing / rotating,
my question is how to make the text of POI/place markers of the googlemaps, rotating as map direction bearing/ rotating.thank you very much in advance for any help
- Build the googlemaps project and the result from mine is: ~/Documents/QtProject/build-googlemaps-Desktop_Qt_5_15_0_GCC_64bit-Debug/: