Build QT6.3 wasm from source, configure error.
windows, QT6.3
first I set environment:
set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=e:/qt/6.3.0/mingw_64/lib/cmake
set CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=E:\emsdk\upstream\emscripten\cmake\Modules\Platform\Emscripten.cmakeemsdk version is 3.1.6, according to QT document.
I want to build wasm with threads and asyncify feature, use the below command
configure -no-warnings-are-errors -qt-host-path e:/qt/6.3.0/wasm_32 -xplatform wasm-emscripten -nomake examples -feature-thread -device-option QT_EMSCRIPTEN_ASYNCIFY=1 -prefix e:/Qt/6.3.0/wasm_async
I get error as below:
Configuring 'qtdeclarative'
QtQml: WARNING: e:/Qt/6.3.0/Src/qtdeclarative/src/qml/qtqml_tracepoints_p.h does not have the "We mean it." warning
QtQuick: WARNING: e:/Qt/6.3.0/Src/qtdeclarative/src/quick/qtquick_tracepoints_p.h does not have the "We mean it." warning
CMake Error at qtbase/cmake/QtToolHelpers.cmake:170 (message):
The tool "Qt6::qmlls" was not found in the Qt6QmlTools package. Package
found: 1
Call Stack (most recent call first):
qtdeclarative/tools/qmlls/CMakeLists.txt:6 (qt_internal_add_tool)How to fix this problem?
@wenqing-zhong qt host path should be to already installed qt version: mingw or msvc for windows. Qt documentation is not clear in this scope.
@wenqing-zhong, I use mingw_64. (-qt-host-path c:\Qt\6.3.0\mingw_64)
check separators in your paths. check the permissions.
My script without -xplatform, -nomake examples -
@sitesv I try many config parametors combination, but get the same error. And I even try linux version, it also get the same error. Maybe because I am using the open source version. it's a bug, I think.
Finaly, I found that qmlls is no use for me. So I check the file in src\qtdeclarative\tools\CMakeList.txt, and comment out the line aboue qmlls. and the I configure ok, and make sucess.