Rectangle with dynamic text size doesn't center
QML and Qt Quick
I am trying to center a rectangle with text. Once the text has changed the rectangle is not centered anymore. I suppose I have a binding issue. The first iteration works correctly but not the second one.
Bellow a simple example of my problem :Page { property bool temp : false RowLayout { id: mainLayout anchors.centerIn: parent Rectangle { id: rectangle width: labelText.paintedWidth + 16 height: labelText.paintedHeight + 6 radius: 8 color: "red" Label { Timer { interval: 500; running: true; repeat: true onTriggered: { if (temp == false) labelText.text = "test" if (temp === true) labelText.text = "Why doesn't it center ?" temp = !temp } } id: labelText anchors.centerIn: parent color: "black" text: "test" font.pixelSize: 70 font.bold: true } } } }
Result 1 iteration:
Result 2 iteration:
For information, on my current software I use Q_PROPERTY to update the text in the rectangle. But I think the problem stays the same.
Don't specify
in a Layout. UseLayout.preferredWidth
) andLayout.preferredHeight
) instead. -
try add in rectangle obj;anchors.centerIn: parent
property bool temp : false
id: mainLayoutanchors.centerIn: parent Rectangle { id: rectangle anchors.centerIn: parent width: labelText.paintedWidth + 16 height: labelText.paintedHeight + 6 radius: 8 color: "red" Label { Timer { interval: 1000; running: true; repeat: true onTriggered: { if (temp == false) labelText.text = "test" if (temp === true) labelText.text = "Why doesn't it center ?" temp = !temp } } id: labelText anchors.centerIn: parent color: "black" text: "test" font.pixelSize: 70 font.bold: true } } }