QtQuick3D RuntimeLoader with windeployqt
QML and Qt Quick
Im having aproblem with the RuntimeLoader from QtQuick3D.
Im trying to load a GLTF file while the programm is running, which works as long as I do not deploy the Programm with
This is my RuntimeLoader code:RuntimeLoader { id: importNode scale: Qt.vector3d(helper.scaleFactor, helper.scaleFactor, helper.scaleFactor) source: importUrl onBoundsChanged: helper.updateBounds(bounds) }
FileDialog { id: fileDialog nameFilters: ["glTF files (*.gltf *.glb)", "All files (*)"] onAccepted: { console.log(file) importUrl = file openJsonFile(file) } Settings { id: fileDialogSettings category: "QtQuick3D.Examples.RuntimeLoader" property alias folder: fileDialog.folder } }
As soon as I select the file from a dialog it opens without any problem.
But after deploying it I get assertion errors and the programm exists without any message
Removing just the
fixes the problem but that isnt realy an option, since the whole point is to render the gltfAny idea waht I am doing wrong?