How to change drawing size in WebEngineView
Recently I started using WebEngine for SVG rendering.
At first I was using QtSVG, but it only supports SVG Tiny, so I'm investigating WebEngineView.I was able to view the SVG image by using WebEngineView,
but It seems that the size cannot be changed because it depends on the drawing size described in the SVG file.This is what I want to do
Here is my QML.import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtWebEngine 1.10 Page { width: 1760 height: 920 title: qsTr("Page 1") header:Label { text: qsTr("Hello QtWebEngine") } WebEngineView { id: webengineSVG width: 800 height: 800 url: "qrc:/foo.svg" } }
Does anyone know the solution?