Qt Test working directory
I have a cmake project with some UniTests.
If I run the build steps with cmake.exe -- build {build-directory} --target all test everything works fine. The UnitTest are executed successful.If I try to run a UnitTest from the QtCreator-side panel "Test\Qt Test" I get the error "FATAL ... Test for project ... crashed.".
Then I copied the command line and path from the "Test-Results" panel into a myUnitTest.cmd-script and found out a custom runtime library is missed. If I change the working directory or the add the path of the missed library to the PATH variable, everything works fine.Question:
How can I
A) configure the working directory of the UnitTests executed from the QtCreator-side panel "Test\Qt Test"?
... or
B) add an additional path to the environment PATH variable for the UnitTest? (Modifying the PATH variable in the Project/Run Settings does not work. There are no changes in the PATH variable displayed in the "Test-Results" panel.)