Qt Creator 2.4 does not run gnome-terminal in Ubuntu. Workaround?
I'd like to use gnome-terminal instead of xterm because xterm is somewhat limited - I cannot copy/paste from it. I did some search and, unfortunately, it looks like Qt Creator 2.4 does not work with gnome-terminal.
Do you know if this bug/feature filed?
EDIT: the bug is filed. Looks like a workaround exists for Ubuntu, please post if you know. Thank you!
Have you actually tried? You can change the terminal in Tools->Options->Environment->General
I've never tried changing the default, to be honest. But the option is there, so it probably works :)
OK, just checking. As I've said, I've never tried changing the default there.
Tomorrow is Monday, so maybe some Trolls who are experts in Qt Creator will pick this conversation up. Tobias is usually very active on Creator-connected threads.
Yes, it does not work for me either... seems to be the process stub we are using to manage the actual program we start, without that gnome-terminal works fine. Please consider to "file a bugreport":http://bugreports.qt-project.org/.
Actually we already have one: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTCREATORBUG-1633