Move rows in custom model
I've implemented custom model that allows to drag and drop items within model.
The model has constant number of columns : 1
I also useQSortFilterProxyModel
inherithed proxy where I only reimplementfilterAcceptsRow
.The problem is that sometimes I get seg fault somewhere within
function. Usually this works as follows:
I drop one item in another few times and then all of a sudden I may get a warning from proxy model: QSortFilterProxyModel: invalid inserted rows reported by source model.
After that if I try to drag/drop once again I get segfault.Another behaviour is that after several drag and drop operations I get either all items hidden, or some of them. Invoking
from proxy may help in this case but not for 100%bool qColadaH5Model::moveItem(qColadaH5Item *parentItem, qColadaH5Item *item, int position) { if (!item || !parentItem) return false; if (!this->canBeMoved(parentItem, item)) return false; qColadaH5Item* oldParentItem = item->getParent(); if (!oldParentItem) return false; QModelIndex parentIndex = indexFromItem(parentItem); if (!parentIndex.isValid()) return false; int oldPosition = item->getRow(); if (oldPosition < 0) return false; QModelIndex oldParentIndex = indexFromItem(oldParentItem); if (!oldParentIndex.isValid()) return false; std::cout << "oldParentIndex.row: " << oldParentIndex.row() << std::endl; std::cout << "parentIndex.row: " << parentIndex.row() << std::endl; std::cout << "-----------------------------------------" << std::endl; // remove item without deleting it beginRemoveRows(oldParentIndex, oldPosition, oldPosition); item = oldParentItem->takeChild(item); endRemoveRows(); if (!item){ std::cout << "item not found" << std::endl; return false; } if (position < 0 || position > parentItem->childCount()) position = parentItem->childCount(); // the app crashes (when expanding) if we move item to the unfetched parent if (canFetchMore(parentIndex)) fetchMore(parentIndex); beginInsertRows(parentIndex, position, position); parentItem->insertChild(item, position); endInsertRows(); return true; } QModelIndex qColadaH5Model::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { qColadaH5Item *parentItem = itemFromIndex(parent); if (!parentItem || row < 0 || column < 0 || row >= parentItem->rowCount() || column >= parentItem->columnCount()) { return QModelIndex(); } return createIndex(row, column, parentItem); } QModelIndex qColadaH5Model::indexFromItem(qColadaH5Item *item) const { if (item && item->getParent()) { int row = item->getRow(); // get parent and search for that item, return the found position return createIndex(row, 0, item->getParent()); } return QModelIndex(); }
and the proxy part:
bool qColadaH5ProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow( int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const { Q_D(const qColadaH5ProxyModel); qColadaH5Model *sm = qobject_cast<qColadaH5Model *>(sourceModel()); if (!sm){ qCritical() << Q_FUNC_INFO << ": Unable to get Source model"; return false; } QModelIndex index = sm->index(source_row, 0, source_parent); if (!index.isValid()){ qCritical() << Q_FUNC_INFO << ": index is invalid"; return false; } qColadaH5Item *item = sm->itemFromIndex(index); if (item == nullptr) return false; return filterCheckOnly(item) && filterLinkType(item); } bool qColadaH5ProxyModel::filterCheckOnly(qColadaH5Item* item) const { Q_D(const qColadaH5ProxyModel); if (!item) return false; if (d->showCheckedOnlyFlag && !item->checkState()) return false; return true; } bool qColadaH5ProxyModel::filterLinkType(qColadaH5Item* item) const { Q_D(const qColadaH5ProxyModel); if (!item) return false; h5gt::LinkType linkType = static_cast<h5gt::LinkType>(item->getLinkType()); if (!d->showHardLinks && linkType == h5gt::LinkType::Hard){ return false; } if (!d->showSoftLinks && linkType == h5gt::LinkType::Soft){ return false; } if (!d->showExternalLinks && linkType == h5gt::LinkType::External){ return false; } return true; }
Most of overriden methods should work fine, and usually I don't have any problems with getting index/item from item/index.
A video demostrating the problem is on google drive
Oh, it seems that in
I should have determineparentIndex
only after rows are removed i.e. afterendRemoveRows()
. Because there are cases when this index is changed after removing rows and thus it becomes invalid.Probably I should have implement
instead ofmoveRow
: I would not spend few days for searching this bugBy the way QAbstractItemModelTester is very helpful and pretty easy to use.
I just understood (using
) that sometimesbeginInsertRows(parentIndex, position, position);
can't get item using my functionitemFromIndex
(indirectly throughrowCount()
):qColadaH5Item *qColadaH5Model::itemFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const { Q_D(const qColadaH5Model); if (!index.isValid()) return d->rootItem; if (index.model() != this) return nullptr; qColadaH5Item *parent = static_cast<qColadaH5Item *>(index.internalPointer()); if (parent == nullptr) return nullptr; return parent->getChild(index.row()); }
Oh, it seems that in
I should have determineparentIndex
only after rows are removed i.e. afterendRemoveRows()
. Because there are cases when this index is changed after removing rows and thus it becomes invalid.Probably I should have implement
instead ofmoveRow
: I would not spend few days for searching this bugBy the way QAbstractItemModelTester is very helpful and pretty easy to use.