Window 11 installation. Qt Creator frequently fails in launching app
Hello. I have a new installation of the open-source version of Qt Creator on a Windows11 system that is very erratic in starting. Most of the time I try and launch the program, I just get the "hourglass" icon on screen (for about 6 seconds) then the mouse's arrow cursor comes back with Qt Creator failing to launch. After a failed attempt such as this, QT Creator does appear under my Task Manager under background tasks. If I hit End Task on it, I may have a CHANCE of launching on another attempt (but usually not). If I do not clear this as a background task, I am unable to subsequently launch until I do (or restart computer)
On Rare successful launches, the hourglass is only up for a second and a half then the program starts. closing the program and trying to restart usually results in failure. I have tried multiple uninstall/reinstall passes and the result is the same. I have also tried installing on a couple of older Win10 machines i have, and everything works fine. If I try and launch just QT Designer, it seems to start reliably as well as QT Design Studio. Only QT creator seems to be giving me grief. I have tried the latest version of QT (6.4) and currently I have 6.0.4 loaded.
I suspect this is a Win 11 problem or environmental issue in my system as both my Win 10 machines start the program just fine. Has anyone else experienced this? Any resolutions if so? -
I have WEBROOT SecureAnywhere CE22.1 installed . Typically, I run without an internet connection on my machine, so it wasn't vetting any external traffic, ....HOWEVER.... if I disable the "Realtime Shield" option, I am able to launch Qt Creator successfully ON EVERY ATTEMPT TO DO SO! The other enable/disable options on WEBROOT are " Web shield" and "Firewall", both of which are inapplicable to this solution (don't cares).
This absolutely seems to resolve my problem! Now, is there a good way to share this information on forum here so others may benefit from this finding? I'm sure others will step into this pile along the way as well.
Interesting side note. Both of my Win10 machines that have NOT exhibited the problem are running WEBROOT as well. I'm not sure what is different there, but disabling the Realtime Shield in WEBROOT absolutely resolves my issue on the Win11 machine.Thanks again SO MUCH for your help!
@hskoglund said in Window 11 installation. Qt Creator frequently fails in launching app:
you could try disabling some of them
Not my area, but isn't there a command-line argument (or maybe environment variable) to qt-creator executable to tell it not to load any plugins?
@hskoglund. Very interesting! I tried your short command line script and was able to open/close successfully several times in a row. Then it seemed to revert to its old ways. I restarted the computer. Retried. Back to failure more. Re rean script. Still failing as before.
The "-noload all -load Core" did initially seem to have an impact initially though, and I was able to open/close reliably from several tries (before it lost the recipe :). Can you elaborate on what this script does? There seems to be a definite connection here, just not a definitive resolution. Many thanks for this lead though! Mark -
@hskoglund . Thanks again for that information! I took a look at the help list, and I'm afraid as an end user without much knowledge of the workings here, it meant little to me. I'm sure this is all relevant to the developers or sophisticated users, but it's all over my head.
May I also ask, is the "-noload all -load Core" command line script something that you recommend running every time I want to run QT Creator, or is this intended as a one shot deal? Things seem to be better I think, but not really fully resolved. The behavior is just too erratic.
Also, I am wondering about support directly from Qt on this. As I am using the open-source version rather than the commercial version, I realize that I am not entitled to direct customer support from Qt. It seems though, as this is a known issue (a "classic one" as you said) that the developers should be appraised of this issue and might want to provide some guidance or a resolution. Is there any way to communicate this to Qt as a mere community member?
I'd like to stress here that I am greatly appreciative for the speedy and thoughtful responses you have given me here on this user forum. I'm just wondering if this is a ubiquitous problem, that it should also be raised to the developer's awareness. Anyway, thank you again for the support you have provided.
Regards, Mark -
Hi, that "-noload all -load Core" is a remnant from earlier years, as a workaround when there was a OpenGL/graphics driver problem. Qt Creator nowadays does not use OpenGL but the command line is still useful.
I haven't tried Windows 11 (I'm on the glacial ring with Windows 7) but as I understand it, Windows 11 is more or less Windows 10 with more lipstick applied (MacOS-flavored taskbar and rounded corners etc.) so if you have success with Qt Creator on Windows 10 it should work the same on 11.
On your Windows 11 PC, do you have any 3rd-party antivirus program installed (I mean apart from the built-in Windows Defender?)
Also, have you tried other, similar programs like Visual Studio 2019 or 2022 on it? i.e. if they exhibit the same erratic behavior.. -
I have WEBROOT SecureAnywhere CE22.1 installed . Typically, I run without an internet connection on my machine, so it wasn't vetting any external traffic, ....HOWEVER.... if I disable the "Realtime Shield" option, I am able to launch Qt Creator successfully ON EVERY ATTEMPT TO DO SO! The other enable/disable options on WEBROOT are " Web shield" and "Firewall", both of which are inapplicable to this solution (don't cares).
This absolutely seems to resolve my problem! Now, is there a good way to share this information on forum here so others may benefit from this finding? I'm sure others will step into this pile along the way as well.
Interesting side note. Both of my Win10 machines that have NOT exhibited the problem are running WEBROOT as well. I'm not sure what is different there, but disabling the Realtime Shield in WEBROOT absolutely resolves my issue on the Win11 machine.Thanks again SO MUCH for your help!