How to proceed to find / add the correct path project..
I am trying to rebuild my "sudirs" project so I can use OS to copy the entire directory structure, not just the file .
Hence I am moving "stuff" around.
I have the main subdirs tree ( in main .pro file - part of it is attached here ) , however at run time I get wrong project.I have the project "subdir" as "../,,/Local_Source/System", but I want
"....Programs_full/Local_Source/..."I have tried to add the correct subproject using the correct path , as an additional subproject to main , but it won't do. I am still "pointed" to wrong subproject.
That worked with adding another projects...What am I missing ??
What would be the logical way to check all the sudirs projects includes?
I start with main,pro - as shown in the attachment.
What would be next place to check ?Would using "hierarchy of includes " help ?
PLEASE ignore typos - I am asking for concept , not for correcting my typing.
The project I am adding is a library and I think I am adding / linking to the wrong one.
After I removed the reference to the library I got - cannot find library......
Expected that.Now if I do build I get - missing include file,
No more "missing library:.... -
Printing "message" SOLVED
NOT SOLVED - link to correct project .
@AnneRanch I think this task of moving projects around was a very bad idea.
I found this mess one of the .pro files
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../../
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../../
message ("aDDED UTILITY ?? ")
unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../../MDI_BT/build-MDI_BT-Desktop_Qt_6_2_3_GCC_64bit-Debug/Utility/ -lUtilityINCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../MDI_BT_BAD_BTSCANNNER_INCLUDE/MDI_BT/Utility
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../MDI_BT_BAD_BTSCANNNER_INCLUDE/MDI_BT/Utilityunix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../../LoCAL_SOURCE/BT_Utility_Library/ -lBT_Utility_Library
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../LoCAL_SOURCE/BT_Utility_Library
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../LoCAL_SOURCE/BT_Utility_Library
message ("REMOVED /../bluetooth/btscanner/ -lSYSTEM library ")how do I PRINT "INCLUDEPATH" to verify that I am including / linking to correct projects ???