CSV format!
Hi developers..
i have the following code
@void ExportData::on_exportar_clicked()
if (this->ui->table_agregados->rowCount () != 0){
this->habilitar_botones (false);
Dialogcheckeo * get_file_path = new Dialogcheckeo (this, 3);
connect (get_file_path, SIGNAL(enviar_texto(QString)), this, SLOT (recibir_texto (QString)));
get_file_path->exec ();
QFile remito (QDir::homePath ()+"/Escritorio/"+filename+".csv");
int progress= 0;
double avance = 100/ this->ui->table_agregados->rowCount ();
if (remito.open (QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)){
QTextStream data( &remito );
QStringList strList;
for (int row = 0; row < this->ui->table_agregados->rowCount (); row++){
for (int col = 0; col < this->ui->table_agregados->columnCount (); col++){
strList << this->ui->table_agregados->item (row, col)->text ();
data << strList.join (",")+"\n";
strList.clear ();
progress+= avance;
this->ui->progressBar->setValue (progress);
}else remito.errorString ();
this->ui->progressBar->setValue (100);
remito.close ();
}@i can open this file with Excel and Open but what i want is to set the columns name and width (maybe change the font also if its possible lol) how can i accomplish that with Qt? how should i store that information?
I`ve seen something like this:
Col1, col 2, col 3
data1, data2, data3
data4, data5, data6but this doesnt work, cols are inserted as cell`s not as column names :(
i just need to know the format of csv so that i can play with that, not just simple values separated by a comma
hope anyone can help me...thanks a lot!
The CSV standard is only with separators (, or ;) you cant define a style inside.
If you are looking for a more complex format for spreadsheets, take a look at the ODS format (open document standard for spreadsheet). It is a zipped XML format. Qt does not have a build-in way to generate them using high-level primitives, but you should be able to create it using XML and then zipping that XML.