[SOLVED] Qt5, QtQuick 2, HelloWorld application, issue with QQuickView
I am trying to compile and run a very simple HelloWorld application using Qt5 and QML (QtQuick 2).
i added the following in the .pro file:
@QT += quick@My main.cpp file looks like:
@#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QtQuick/QQuickView>Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv, 5);QQuickView * viewer = new QQuickView; //viewer.setOrientation(QQuickView::ScreenOrientationAuto); viewer->setSource(QUrl("qml/helloWorldQT5/main.qml")); viewer->show(); return app.exec();
@My main.qml file looks like:
@import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {
width: 360
height: 360
Text {
text: qsTr("Hello World")
anchors.centerIn: parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
}@The compilation and link of this source code is alright.
But there is a runtime error occuring while performing the following:
@QQuickView * viewer = new QQuickView;@if I run it in debug mode, I've got a NULL pointer in the following function inside qguiapplication.cpp:
@QFont QGuiApplication::font()
QMutexLocker locker(applicationFontMutex());
if (!QGuiApplicationPrivate::app_font)
QGuiApplicationPrivate::app_font =
new QFont(QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->fontDatabase()->defaultFont());
return *QGuiApplicationPrivate::app_font;
}@The QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration() value is apparently NULL.
Has anyone any hint to help me there?I built the qt5 using the following command line:
@./configure -confirm-license -opensource -no-multimedia -no-phonon -debug -declarative -v8 -opengl -nomake examples -nomake tests -prefix ~/qt5bin -developer-build@(there might be an error using both prefix and -developer-build in the same time I think :) )
Also the Application Output looks like this:
@Debugging starts
&"warning: GDB: Failed to set controlling terminal: Invalid argument\n"
.dynamic section for "/lib/libpthread.so.0" is not at the expected address
difference appears to be caused by prelink, adjusting expectations
.dynamic section for "/lib/libm.so.6" is not at the expected address
difference appears to be caused by prelink, adjusting expectations
.dynamic section for "/usr/lib/libpng12.so.0" is not at the expected address
difference appears to be caused by prelink, adjusting expectations
.dynamic section for "/lib/libdl.so.2" is not at the expected address
difference appears to be caused by prelink, adjusting expectations
.dynamic section for "/lib/libgthread-2.0.so.0" is not at the expected address
difference appears to be caused by prelink, adjusting expectations
.dynamic section for "/lib/librt.so.1" is not at the expected address
difference appears to be caused by prelink, adjusting expectations
.dynamic section for "/usr/lib/libXdamage.so.1" is not at the expected address
difference appears to be caused by prelink, adjusting expectations
.dynamic section for "/usr/lib/libdrm.so.2" is not at the expected address
difference appears to be caused by prelink, adjusting expectations
.dynamic section for "/usr/lib/libXau.so.6" is not at the expected address
difference appears to be caused by prelink, adjusting expectations
Qml debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment!
can't find linker symbol for virtual table forQQuickView' value found
QDeclarativeJS::IR::BasicBlock::JUMP(QDeclarativeJS::IR::BasicBlock*)' instead@ -
I added your suggestion, the crash / segmentation fault is still occuring :(
The stack looks like this when the segmentation fault occurs:
@0 QGuiApplication::font qguiapplication.cpp 1333 0x6dd26f1
1 QFont::QFont qfont.cpp 685 0x6e58ec1
2 QDeclarativeFontValueType::QDeclarativeFontValueType qdeclarativevaluetype.cpp 221 0xa32ce8
3 QDeclarativeValueTypeFactory::valueType qdeclarativevaluetype.cpp 159 0xa312f6
4 QDeclarativeValueTypeFactory::QDeclarativeValueTypeFactory qdeclarativevaluetype.cpp 84 0xa30e22
5 QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::QDeclarativeEnginePrivate qdeclarativeengine.cpp 347 0x9a49f0
6 QDeclarativeEngine::QDeclarativeEngine qdeclarativeengine.cpp 504 0x9a56ff
7 QQuickViewPrivate::QQuickViewPrivate qquickview.cpp 70 0x383875
8 QQuickView::QQuickView qquickview.cpp 159 0x383d48
9 main main.cpp 8 0x8048a3e
@ -
It is now working with a simple declaration change:
QCoreApplication -> QGuiApplication
#include <QtQuick/QQuickView>
#include <QGuiApplication>Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{QGuiApplication app(argc, argv, 5); QQuickView viewer; //viewer.setOrientation(QQuickView::ScreenOrientationAuto); viewer.setSource(QUrl("qml/helloWorldQT5/main.qml")); viewer.show(); return app.exec();
@ -
It worked for me too.
My problem was also the fact that I had to create a .pro manually because using the one generated by QtCreator was not working (I got this error: qmlapplicationviewer/qmlapplicationviewer.cpp:15:30: fatal error: QtGui/QApplication: No such file or directory)
so I just used:
main.cppOTHER_FILES +=
qml/Test/main.qmlQT += quick
install_it.path = $${M_BUILDDIR}
install_it.files += $${FILE}
}INSTALLS += install_it@
I am tried to build a very simple QtQuick 2.0 project with Qt 5.0.0 and Qt Creator 2.6.1. I made a new project, selected the "Qt Quick 2 Application (Built-in Elements)", set the name and press "next -> next ... etc".
If I run the application, I get a simple window with white background and the "Hello World" text.
If I open the main.qml file, I found in the editor the following message in a label:
"Unsupported QtQuick version(0:0)
Go to error"I click on the "Go to error", I see the following line in the text editor:
import QtQuick 2.0
@It is a first line in main.qml file.
Can somebody help me to can use the QTQuick 2.0 too?