Qtquick\Qml Arc
Hi everyone,
I recently started with Qt\QML. My goal is to create a GUI that is based on the appearance of J.A.R.V.I.S.
As a starting point I started with the basics - creating a window, some items, rectangles, a clock - stuff like that.
I also started to investigate on how to draw an arc, as I'll need a lot of them. So my goal is to implement a Module/ function, which I input certain parameters (in my mind I have "cenrte", "start angle", "stop angle", "arcthickness", "outerradius") and I'll automaticly generate an arc, that I can place wherever I want. Follwoing I can apply rotations or simmilar things to that component.From what I found out so far, I can generate an arc with the "canvas" option, which will look simmilar to this:
Rectangle{ width:400 height:400 x:900; y:90 Canvas { anchors.fill: parent id:rotatingarc RotationAnimator { target: rotatingarc; from: 360; to: 0; duration: 1500 running: true loops: Animation.Infinite } onPaint: { var ctx = getContext("2d"); ctx.reset(); var centreX = 200 var centreY = 200 var thickness =20 var radius = 100 var innerradius = radius-thickness var startangle=Math.PI*0 var endangle=Math.PI*0.5 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = "#14b2d9"; ctx.arc(centreX,centreY,radius,startangle,endangle,false) ctx.arc(centreX,centreY,innerradius,endangle,startangle,true) ctx.fill(); } } }
This surely will generat the arc (blue arc in Picture), but will leave me with a white background, and therefore makes it problematic if I want to "stack" multiple arcs, that have the same "centre".
Question to that: is it possible to create the canvas / the rectangle without color and have only the arc painted?The red arc is created with the "shape" option, but leaves me with this white leftover, which I don't know how to get rid of.
Does anyone know, how to counteract this white leftover?
Also if I use different angles for the shape arc, I run into strange phenomena.
The code for the red arc is:Shape{ width: 120 height: 130 x: 600 y: 700 ShapePath { strokeColor: "red" strokeWidth: 20 capStyle: ShapePath.FlatCap PathAngleArc { centerX: 65; centerY: 95 radiusX: 45; radiusY: 45 startAngle: -90 sweepAngle: 90 } } }
Is there another option for creating arcs with a function as described in the beginning?
Thanks for any pointers help and input in advance!
Hi. You can check this to gather more ideas for your JARVIS.
Thanks - I had a quick glance at it, an there it is done with the shapes method.
I'll have a more detailed look lateron or on the weekend! -
Hi @fallouthase,
Please find bellow a simple example using PathAngleArc:
import QtQuick.Shapes Shape { width: 200 height: 200 anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left // Enable multisampled rendering layer.enabled: true layer.samples: 4 // Outer gray arc: ShapePath { fillColor: "transparent" strokeColor: "gray" strokeWidth: 20 capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap PathAngleArc { centerX: 100; centerY: 100 radiusX: 100-20/2; radiusY: 100-20/2 startAngle: 135 sweepAngle: 270 } } // Inner blue arc: ShapePath { fillColor: "transparent" strokeColor: "blue" strokeWidth: 20 capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap PathAngleArc { centerX: 100; centerY: 100 radiusX: 100-20/2; radiusY: 100-20/2 startAngle: 135 sweepAngle: 180 } } }
You can also use already implemented customizable QML Circular Slider:
Best Regards